Core plugins
To configure core plugin you use nvoid.builtin.[plugin name]
Disabling core plugins
nvoid.builtin.[plugin name].active = false
Disabling plugins won't take effect untill you restart nvoid.
Configuring core plugins
To configure a builtin plugin, edit options in nvoid.builtin.<core plugins>
. You can press <TAB>
to go through seetings
For example, let's enable cmdline for cmp:
nvoid.builtin.cmp.cmdline.enable = true
User plugins
Adding plugins
nvoid.plugins = { "username/repo" }
for example, let's add and configure zen-mode for neovim:
nvoid.plugins = {
config = function()
require("zen-mode").setup() {
window = {
backdrop = 0.95,
width = 120,
height = 1,
options = {
plugins = {
options = {
enabled = true,
ruler = false,
showcmd = false,
twilight = { enabled = true },
gitsigns = { enabled = false },
tmux = { enabled = false },
kitty = {
enabled = false,
font = "+4",
nvoid.builtin.which_key.mappings["z"] = { "<cmd>ZenMode<cr>", "ZenMode" }