Colorscheme / Transparency
Nvoid comes with 21 themes provided form nvoid-base16 which's based on Nvchad's base46.
You can change theme and toggle transparency with:
nvoid.ui.Colorscheme = "theme"
nvoid.ui.transparency = false -- true
also you can open Telescope themes
by hitting leader
to preview the themes.
- Nvoid comes with 21 themes.
- If
nvoid.ui.Colorscheme = "theme"
in located in the yourconfig.lua
you can change it with Telescope. - Also if you enable the nvoid autoreload config function the theme change without needing to restart.
you can add your own highlights:
nvoid.ui.hl_add = {
hlname = {fg = "color", bg = "color"}
or you can override highlights:
nvoid.ui.hl_override = {
hlname = {fg = "color", bg = "color"}
Add Colorschemes
you can add colorschemes at ~/.config/nvoid/lua/themes/
and any colorscheme you add will show on the Telescope themes
the file should look like this
local M = {}
M.base_30 = {
white = "#hexcode",
darker_black = "#hexcode",
black = "#hexcode", -- nvim bg
black2 = "#hexcode",
one_bg = "#hexcode",
one_bg2 = "#hexcode", -- StatusBar (filename)
one_bg3 = "#hexcode",
grey = "#hexcode", -- Line numbers (shouldn't be base01?)
grey_fg = "#hexcode", -- Why this affects comments?
grey_fg2 = "#hexcode",
light_grey = "#hexcode",
red = "#hexcode", -- StatusBar (username)
baby_pink = "#hexcode",
pink = "#hexcode",
line = "#hexcode", -- for lines like vertsplit
green = "#hexcode", -- StatusBar (file percentage)
vibrant_green = "#hexcode",
nord_blue = "#hexcode", -- Mode indicator
blue = "#hexcode",
yellow = "#hexcode",
sun = "#hexcode",
purple = "#hexcode",
dark_purple = "#hexcode",
teal = "#hexcode",
orange = "#hexcode",
cyan = "#hexcode",
statusline_bg = "#hexcode",
lightbg = "#hexcode",
pmenu_bg = "#hexcode", -- Command bar suggestions
folder_bg = "#hexcode",
M.base_16 = {
base00 = "#hexcode", -- Default bg
base01 = "#hexcode", -- Lighter bg (status bar, line number, folding mks)
base02 = "#hexcode", -- Selection bg
base03 = "#hexcode", -- Comments, invisibles, line hl
base04 = "#hexcode", -- Dark fg (status bars)
base05 = "#hexcode", -- Default fg (caret, delimiters, Operators)
base06 = "#hexcode", -- Light fg (not often used)
base07 = "#hexcode", -- Light bg (not often used)
base08 = "#hexcode", -- Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted
base09 = "#hexcode", -- Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url
base0A = "#hexcode", -- Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background
base0B = "#hexcode", -- Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted
base0C = "#hexcode", -- Support, regex, escape chars
base0D = "#hexcode", -- Function, methods, headings
base0E = "#hexcode", -- Keywords
base0F = "#hexcode", -- Deprecated, open/close embedded tags
M.type = "dark" -- or light
return M
You can find more colorschemes at NvChad/base46
Nvoid use it's own statusline with 3 styles (nvoid, minimal, evil) you can change them with: = "style"
or you can disable it with:
nvoid.ui.statusline.enabled = true -- False
or create your own styel with:
nvoid.ui.statusline.config = "%!v:lua.require('')"
you can find a custom style at my github.
Bufferline & winbar
- The bufferline is disabled by default you can enable it with; = true
- Winbar is enabled by default you can disable it with: = false
winbar uses navic which really slows up the config.