Lsp Settings
vim.diagnostic.config({ settings })
Adding language sever protocol
you can add a new language by
then press i
on the language you want to install
or add this in the config.lua
nvoid.lsp.installer.setup.ensure_installed = { "server name" }
by default nvoid ships with lua_ls
Setting up servers
vim.list_extend(nvoid.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, { "server name"} )
require("server name").setup {settings}
Linters and Formatters
The easiest way is to reference the linter/formatter/code_actions by their names. See the null-ls docs for a full list of builtins with their names.
Installing linters and formatters
Using the :Mason
command you install most formatters and linters
Setting formatters and linters
local formatters = require "nvoid.lsp.null-ls.formatters"
formatters.setup {
name = "formatter name"
args = "formatter args"
filetypes = "filetype"